Code of Student Behavior

To promote maximum growth, well-being, and success for each student and our University community as a whole, all students are expected to abide by the Code of Student Behavior. This Code outlines the student’s Academic Responsibility and Personal Responsibility.

Academic Responsibility

The MIU Catalog contains the most comprehensive statement of university academic policies, and all students should become familiar with it. Students are responsible for being aware of the policies in the Catalog pertinent to their degree. Policies regarding graduation requirements, transfer credit, grading, attendance, registration, Development of Consciousness course requirements, monitoring student progress, and refunds and reduction in charges are among the many topics covered by the Catalog. The following policies are also included here for the students’ convenience.

General Responsibilities

To promote a settled, harmonious, and productive learning environment, all students are expected to be engaged in class, focused on classroom actvities, and mindful of appropriate classroom behavior. For example, use of a cell phone in class, texting, or surfing the internet are generally inappropriate, as is use of abusive or disrepectful language. Inappropriate classroom behavior does not support a good learning environment, and is a violation of the Code of Student Behavior. In the event that a student is engaging in inappropriate classroom behavior, the instructor may immediately discipline the student and/ or refer the matter to the Department of Student Life.

Students are responsible for their progress in meeting their degree requirements. University faculty and the academic support staff are dedicated to supporting the progress of our students. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the University’s resources, and should meet with their academic advisor at least once per semester. Ultimately, the responsbility for completing the degree requirements rests with the student. Therefore, all students should be aware of the requirements, ask questions when something is unclear to them, and see their advisor on a regular basis.

Personal Responsibility

Cordial and considerate behavior is vital for enjoying harmony within any group, professional or social. And knowledge of appropriate behavior is essential for assuming any level of leadership in society. Therefore, all students are expected to uphold high standards of dignified behavior and personal integrity, both on and off campus. Adopting proper speech, etiquette, and attire will maximize orderliness in the student’s heart and mind, and will ensure that the student’s influence on his or her surroundings is suitable for every situation.

Students who engage in disrespectful, dishonest, dishonorable, or other inappropriate behavior, while on or off campus, will be spoken to by the faculty or members of the Student Life team, as appropriate, and may be subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the General Remedial Procedures described in this Code of Student Behavior.

In addition to the above, specific offenses that are subject to disciplinary action include, but are not limited to:

  • Dishonesty, academic or otherwise (See section on Academic Honor Code)
  • Disruption of a class or other university function, including use of abusive or disrespectful language
  • Repeated unexcused absences and tardiness in any course
  • Harassment, intimidation, or coercion
  • Acts or threats of violence or physical forceTobacco, alcohol and drug use in violation of local, state, or federal law, and/or University policy
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Misrepresentations in applying for financial aid, during a Student Support Committee meeting, or with respect to one’s transcripts, academic records, college identification card, meal pass, and other official university document
  • Theft of property and services, and willful property damage
  • Trespassing
  • Acts that compromise campus safety or security
  • Possession of weapons, explosives, or incendiary materials

Note: The above list is not all-inclusive.

In the event that the Dean of Student Life or his or her designee determines that a student must meet certain conditions in order to safely and satisfactorily continue in the University community, the student may be required to enter into a continuing enrollment agreement with the University. Such agreement will be customized to address issues on which the student needs to put personal or professional attention.


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