Academic Honor Code
Personal integrity, honesty, and honor are essential qualities of an ideal student and a developing leader. The University has established an Academic Honor Code that sets forth the standards of academic honesty and personal integrity expected of all students.
Academic Honor Code Guidelines
The purpose of observing the traditional standards of academic honesty is to promote an ideal learning experience. Students learn and grow when they receive feedback on their own thinking and its products, and when they use that feedback to improve. Furthermore, students experience progress when something they themselves have composed receives positive feedback and support from another, whether it be a classmate or a professor. Consequently, the following principles govern the assessment of student work at the University.
- Any work represented as one’s own must be the product of one’s own thinking and research. This applies to all assigned work, including papers, examinations, quizzes, and oral presentations. In composing papers, students are encouraged to seek feedback from others on the work in progress but are expected to do the writing themselves.
- Any ideas drawn from other sources must be properly credited. This includes not only direct quotes, but also ideas drawn from course syllabi, videotaped lectures, and other University-related publications. (For further details see Academic honor Code violation procedures below.)
- If a student knowingly allows another student to copy his or her work, that student will be subject to the same remedial consequences as the student who copied.
- Students who take responsibility for attendance or any other records contributing to the final course grade are required to be faithful and accurate in their reporting.
- Students who become aware of a failure to uphold the standards of the Academic Honor Code are required to notify the faculty member teaching the course.
- As Development of Consciousness is a required program, the standards of the Academic Honor Code apply to this area as well. Any action which misrepresents a student’s attendance or participation at group Transcendental Meditation or group TM-Sidhi program is not honest. Some examples of dishonesty in this area are as follows:
- passing your badge through the bar code scanner and not attending or participating in the group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program including Yogic Flying
- having another student pass your badge through the scanner
- passing another student’s badge through the scanner.
Consequences of Academic Honor Code Violations
For procedures governing Academic Honor Code violations, please refer to the University Catalog. Consequences will be determined based on the facts and circumstances of the behavior and may include, among other things, lowered grades, including a grade of NC for the course, warning, probation, and suspension.