Run for Student Government
Click the following links to learn about the responsibilities of each Student Government position:
Vice President of Student Body
Candidates for Student Government positions must at all times:
• Be a full-time student at Maharishi International University.
• Have and maintain a minimum cumulative and current semester academic GPA of 3.0.
• Pass the Development of Consciousness course (if applicable).
• Pot be on Attendance Alert, or any kind of University warning or probation.
• Not withdraw from any course without enrolling in another course.
need to have been a full-time student for two (2) semesters immediately prior to taking office.
Important Dates for 2019 Campaigns:
Campaigning: May 6th-17th
The Candidates Panel: May 16th
Online Voting: May 20th – 23rd
Prior to the distribution of any individual campaign material through any medium, all candidates must provide a copy of said material to the Department of Student Life for approval. Campaigning shall include, but is not limited to:
• Speeches
• Electronic advertisements
• Clothing, hats, or other apparel
• Emails • Buttons, balloons, or stickers
• Posters or flyers
• Websites or social media
• Anything that displays the approval of a candidate
All campaign materials, including electronic campaign material, must be removed from public areas within 24-48 hours of the conclusion of the election.
It shall be the duty of the candidates to conduct their campaign in a dignified, positive and life-affirming way.
The candidates must participate in at least one (1) official debate or campaign speech event that is to be conducted by the Department of Student Life and sponsored by members of the current Student Government who are not candidates in the current election. The event will be conducted with fairness, candor and decorum, and supported by facts and arguments founded in reason.
To be considered a valid candidate in the running for a student government position:
1. Meet the Student Government candidate requirements
2. Read and understand the Bylaws of The Election Process
3. Fill out the 2019-2020 Student Government Application
4. Await confirmation from Student Life prior to campaigning.