Office of Accessibility Services

Maharishi International University, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), recognizes that qualified students who have diagnosed or identified disabilities are entitled to benefit from the educational programs of the University if reasonable accommodations can be arranged.

Costs associated with diagnosis, evaluation, and testing are the responsibility of the student except in cases of severe financial need demonstrated to, and upon the recommendation of, the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Requests for adaptive equipment and/or other accommodation needs for academic purposes will be submitted through the University’s Accessibility Officer, who will assess the need and determine whether the University will purchase the adaptive equipment or otherwise accommodate the student’s needs. Appeals of decisions regarding academic accommodation shall be made to the Executive Vice-President, whose decision shall be final.

How do I receive academic accommodations?

Once you are admitted to the University, we will plan with you for any reasonable accommodations you may need to enjoy a successful academic experience. Please contact the Accessibility Officer about your needs before you arrive on campus or at any time thereafter. The Accessibility Officer will want to review your documentation and discuss your needs. Documentation should include a diagnosis or description of your disability and the recommendations of a specialist regarding appropriate academic accommodations.

Possible academic accommodations may include extended time for assignments or tests, special seating, course materials in alternative formats, or assistance from the Academic Support Center. We will work together to determine what is appropriate for you.

How do I receive other accommodations?

Those with physical disabilities will find the campus accessible. All major classrooms and dining facilities are accessible, as are the major social sites and needed residence facilities.

Individuals with disabilities who have access problems in any campus building or other needs are encouraged to bring their concerns to the attention of Accessibility Officer at

Documentation for accommodation request

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are guaranteed certain protections and rights to accommodations based upon documentation.

  • Documentation must be presented to the Accessibility Officer in the form of a PDF or a .jpeg photo emailed to You may also deliver a hard copy to Dreier Building, room 105.
  • Documentation must be from and include the signature of a licensed professional, qualified in the appropriate specialty area for which accommodations are being requested and who is not related to the student. Documentation should be on official letterhead.
  • Documentation should be current: three years for ADHD, five years for a learning disability, one year for a psychiatric disability. However, the university may use its discretion in cases in which the condition is considered permanent and the documentation is greater than three years old.
  • 504 Plans and IEP’s can be considered and reviewed as appropriate documentation.
    The university may request additional documentation in some instances.
  • The documentation should include the following information:
    • A clear statement of the diagnosed disability, including the DSM-IV diagnosis if applicable
    • A description of the functional limitations resulting from the disability
    • Recommended educational accommodations

Documentation not accepted

  • A brief note from a doctor that simply requests an accommodation
  • Information or notes written on prescription pads
  • Copy of after-care instructions
  • Documentation of learning disabilities which is not comprehensive or which identifies “learning problems” or “learning challenges” but does not specifically diagnose a learning disability

Contact the Accessibility Officer

Send documentation and address your questions to:


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